Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Week 51 - "Hilarious Outtakes" Photo Challenge

This weeks challenge over at i ♥ faces is hilarious outtakes. I love this theme. I usually erase a lot of my outtakes but when I started to go through my pictures I realized I still have a bunch and then it was hard to narrow it down, luckily this week we get to post up to 5 pictures.

This is my daughter when she was about 7 months old. Her hair stood straight up it was so funny. I kind of miss that static look. This expression is just so funny.

Jaelee_Rocker Girl 02

We were playing on the trampoline this summer and I was taking pictures of the twins of course. Jayse got really close to my camera and gave me this face. It instantly became one of my favorites.

I wanted to get a picture of the twins in overalls in this bucket. I set them in there and could not get them to smile. This outtake turned into one of my favorite photos.

I was trying to get a picture of my daughter in this chair and for the most part she did pretty well until the end she just would not stay in it and laid on the ground.
Outtakes Childrens Photography

This is our visit to Santa this year. I knew the twins would probably cry but I expected nothing like this. We sat Jaelee on Santa and she was ok there, she didn't like it but she was ok. Then we tried to put Jayse on Santa - he started kicking, screaming and rearing back. Santa told us he could not sit on his lap because he was kicking too much. Once Jaelee saw his reaction she had enough and got down. Greg tried to keep Jayse by Santa so I could just get one picture and here it is.
#37 - 1 of 1 for 365project



My Twins and Me

My Twins and Me


About Me

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I love to be creative through many things, photography, scrapbooking, blogging, designing, baking, and many different crafts.

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