Monday, August 16, 2010

Seniors S & J

I got to take some photos of my cousin's daughter and her friend last week.  It was a lot of fun, they both have great personalities and are so cute!  It was fun getting to drive around where I went to high school and walking around the new school.  We took a lot of photos and there were a lot that turned out cute so it was hard to decide which ones to post but here are 6 of my favorites from each girl.  First up Miss "J"

And Miss "S"

Friday, August 13, 2010

Together Forever

My grandparents will be celebrating their 60th wedding anniversary on Sept. 5th.  I was lucky enough to take some pictures of them to celebrate and announce 60 years of marriage.  It is inspiring to see 2 people married 60 years.

We went out to a beautiful home in Murphy on the Snake River. My grandma was walking through the grass and rocks with high heels on!  I can't even wear those anymore.  Way to go Grandma!  And my grandpa wore his suit jacket in 90+ weather.  These two are awesome and I am so glad I got to be a part of documenting this moment with them.

Portraits in Idaho
Portraits in Idaho
Portraits in Idaho
Portraits in Idaho
Portraits in Idaho

My Twins and Me

My Twins and Me


About Me

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I love to be creative through many things, photography, scrapbooking, blogging, designing, baking, and many different crafts.

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